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Janne Wallenius is a LeadCold Reactor has been listed as one of the 71 hottest start-ups in Sweden,
In 2016 Wallenius appointed one of Lennart Söder räknar fel när han säger att förnybara energikällor kan klara Sveriges elförsörjning utan kärnkraft. Det riskerar att göra Sverige beroende av dyr och importerad el, skriver Janne Wallenius och Lars-Evald Kaliff i en replik. Janne Wallenius, vd Blykalla Reaktorer Stockholm / LeadCold Tel: 070-603 63 06 E-post: Stina Thor, marknads- och kommunikationsansvarig Uppsala Innovation Centre Tel: 070-214 33 24 E-post: Om Uppsala Innovation Centre SEALER (Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor) Youtube Företaget Leadcold Janne Wallenius SR Ny Teknik (nov 2015) ( Publicerad 6 mars 2014 06:30) (2010) Bloggar Se Janne Wallenius yrkesprofil på LinkedIn. LinkedIn är världens största yrkesnätverk och hjälper yrkespersoner som Janne Wallenius att upptäcka interna kontakter till rekommenderade jobbsökande, branschexperter och affärspartner.
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1) Janne Wallenius introduces his research at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, focused on nuclear fuel development, and how it led him to lead-cooled reactor technology 2) How disclosure of Russian lead-cooled reactor technology impacted global research, leading to the creation of Janne’s advanced reactor designs and his company LeadCold plans to use the large investment by Indian conglomerate Essel Group to fund pre-licensing, detailed engineering design, and development costs for a 3 MW demonstration reactor ahead of deployment on remote sites, Janne Wallenius, CEO of LeadCold, … LeadCold Reactors is a spin-off from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The company was founded in 2013 by Professor Janne Wallenius (CEO) and his colleagues Jesper Ejenstam and Peter Szakálos. The company has its basis in Stockholm, with a Canadian subsidiary registered in Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Janne Wallenius Co-founder of LeadCold Reactors, professor in Reactor Physics. Stockholm County, Sweden. LeadCold Reactors, +3 more.
UIC-företagaren Janne Wallenius på Blykalla Reaktorer var en av vinnarna som i går tilldelades ÅForsk entreprenörsstipendium om 200 000 kronor vardera vid Sveriges Innovationsriksdag i Åre 2014-03-06 2017-02-12 Janne Wallenius, founder of LeadCold, said the technology the company has developed "is now so mature that we, together with Uniper, can start building a non-nuclear prototype to enable a commercialisation of a new reactor at a later stage". Wallenius added: "It is a big and important step forward for Swedish reactor technology." See more of Leadcold reactors on Facebook. Log In. or.
Janne Wallenius - KTH
Om Uppsala Innovation Centre Blykalla Reaktorer, eller som företaget heter på engelska, Leadcold Reactors, startades 2013 som en forsknings-spinn-off från KTH, utifrån visionen att förse världen med pålitlig och Janne Wallenius. Janne Wallenius is a LeadCold Reactor has been listed as one of the 71 hottest start-ups in Sweden,
In 2016 Wallenius appointed one of Lennart Söder räknar fel när han säger att förnybara energikällor kan klara Sveriges elförsörjning utan kärnkraft. Det riskerar att göra Sverige beroende av dyr och importerad el, skriver Janne Wallenius och Lars-Evald Kaliff i en replik.
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Foto:, Janne Wallenius/Wikipedia Blykalla reaktorer, eller som företaget heter på engelska, Leadcold reactors, startades 2013. 2019-11-21 berättar Janne Wallenius, medgrundare av LeadCold Reactors, professor i reaktorfysik vid KTH samt medlem i NewClearEnergys advisory En tredimensionell bild av Sealer (Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor) och Blykallas vd Janne Wallenius.
At the age of 18, he won the particle physics contest on the Swedish television show "Kvitt eller Dubbelt" ( Double or Nothing ), after which he was nicknamed "partikel-Janne". Contact: © LeadCold Reactors, 2021
LeadCold Reactors (Blykalla Reaktorer) is a joint stock company with its basis in Stockholm. It was founded for the purpose of applying the outcome of our research in the development, licensing, construction and operation of small lead cooled reactors. Our technical advisory group provides us with valuable experience from nuclear industry and regulatory bodies. Janne Wallenius, Works for: NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, E-mail:, Telephone: +46 73 765 05 15, Address: ROSLAGSTULLSBACKEN 21
1) Janne Wallenius introduces his research at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, focused on nuclear fuel development, and how it led him to lead-cooled reactor technology 2) How disclosure of Russian lead-cooled reactor technology impacted global research, leading to the creation of Janne’s advanced reactor designs and his company, LeadCold 3) Why
See more of Leadcold reactors on Facebook. Log In. or
Janne Wallenius, February 2015. Wallenius was born in 1968 in Trollhättan , Sweden.
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Contact: © LeadCold Reactors, 2021 När kärnkraftsprofessorn Janne Wallenius bjuder in till bokreleaseparty duger bara den gamla reaktorhallen på Drottning Kristinas väg 51 i Stockholm som … Janne Wallenius is a Swedish reactor physicist. He is a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.. Wallenius was born in 1968 in Trollhättan, Sweden.At the age of 18, he won the particle physics contest on the Swedish television show "Kvitt eller Dubbelt" (Double or Nothing), after which he was nicknamed "partikel-Janne". Janne Wallenius är en av grundarna till bolaget Blykalla Reaktorer.
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View Janne Wallenius’ profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Janne’s education is listed on their profile.
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Stina Thor, marknads- och kommunikationsansvarig Uppsala Innovation Centre Tel: 070-214 33 24 E-post: Om Uppsala Innovation Centre SEALER (Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor) Youtube Företaget Leadcold Janne Wallenius SR Ny Teknik (nov 2015) ( Publicerad 6 mars 2014 06:30) (2010) Bloggar Se Janne Wallenius yrkesprofil på LinkedIn. LinkedIn är världens största yrkesnätverk och hjälper yrkespersoner som Janne Wallenius att upptäcka interna kontakter till rekommenderade jobbsökande, branschexperter och affärspartner.
Svensk reaktor snuvad på miljardinvestering - Ny Teknik
Author Archives: Janne Wallenius LeadCold is one of the 71 hottest start-ups in Sweden. 2 Jun. According to Swedish business magazine Veckans Affärer, LeadCold is one of … Janne Wallenius Co-founder of LeadCold Reactors, professor in Reactor Physics Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige Fler än 500 kontakter Janne Wallenius, Works for: NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, E-mail:, Telephone: +46 73 765 05 15, Address: ROSLAGSTULLSBACKEN 21 LeadCold is a spin-off from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where J. Wallenius carried out research on design and safety analysis on lead-cooled reactor systems since 1996. The competences of the LeadCold team include fast reactor design, transient analysis, corrosion and materials science, nuclear fuel development, lead coolant chemistry, radiation damage and severe accident A: Janne Wallenius and his company, LeadCold, have done different conceptual reactor designs. After material issues are resolved, the next step is to build an electrically-heated mockup which can show that the pumps and oxygen control work in an integrated environment. 1) Janne Wallenius introduces his research at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, focused on nuclear fuel development, and how it led him to lead-cooled reactor technology 2) How disclosure of Russian lead-cooled reactor technology impacted global research, leading to the creation of Janne’s advanced reactor designs and his company, LeadCold 3) Why material science is crucial to the long-term success Janne Wallenius, vd Blykalla Reaktorer Stockholm/LeadCold Tel: 070-603 63 06 E-post:
2013; Founders Janne Wallenius; Operating Status Active; Last Funding Type Series A. Company Type For Profit. Contact Email Janne Wallenius is a Swedish reactor physicist. In 2013, he co-founded the company "LeadCold Reactors" which designs small lead-cooled fast reactors 16 Apr 2018 LeadCold CEO Janne Wallenius noted NRG's advanced simulation techniques should confirm that the safety of the reactor is improved and 16 May 2020 The company Janne wallenius, the Swedish physicist reactor. In 2013 he became a co-founder of the company "LeadCold reactors", which Author Archives: Janne Wallenius According to Swedish business magazine Veckans Affärer, LeadCold is one of the 71 hottest start-ups in Sweden!